Community solar is a shared solar farm in which local residents, small businesses, and religious institutions can subscribe to green energy produced by a local solar farm to offset their electricity costs.
Electricity generated from a solar farm is delivered to the electric grid and you receive solar credits each month that automatically subtract from your total cost to the utility, reducing your costs by 10%!
There is no cost to join, and each credit is purchased at a10% discount, which will show as a 10% savings on your electricity bill.
Electricity generated from a solar farm is delivered to the electric grid. Members receive solar credits each month that automatically subtract from their total costs to the utility.
Any qualified resident, small business, or religious institution with an electric bill in the appropriate load zone can subscribe and go solar; regardless of whether the property is owned or rented.
No problem. If you are already under contract with an energy supplier, buying solar credits will help reduce the costs of your entire bill. If you’re happy with the energy rates you are currently paying, you might as well do both!
You can take your subscription with you! As long as you reside in the same electric utility territory, you can continue to support clean energy and reduce your electric bill.
If you need to stop or cancel community solar for any reason, there no cancelation fees and no penalties.
Community Solar provides local jobs and electricity savings to businesses and residents. Community Solar reduces the amount of energy needed to be generated from fossil fuels, thus improving air quality and health throughout your area. And, you will have access to a software portal that will allow you to view solar production, monetary savings, and environmental impact as a result of your participation.