IceCasino MY

How our eCommerce site saved a residential customer almost 40% on their electricity bill!

Here is a case study from Philadelphia, PA. This particular customer received an email from us explaining our eCommerce site


Here is a case study from Philadelphia, PA. This particular customer received an email from us explaining our eCommerce site and wanted us to walk her through the easy online shopping process. Both her and her husband are retired now and they could really use the savings on their energy bills.

This customer was under contract with another supplier for electricity at 11.9 cents per kWh. After we entered her information into our online shopping tool, we were able to find her a new rate at 7.29 cents per kWh.

Here’s how the savings broke down:

  • 4.61 cents savings per kWh (38.7% savings)
  • This customer uses on average 2500 kWh per month
  • 2500 x 0.0461 = $115 less on their bill per month
  • That’s $1,380 less per year!

We had her call her current provider to see if there were any cancellation fees and in this case, there were no cancellation fees. This customer was able to enroll into their new agreement and started saving money immediately.

When was the last time you checked your rate on your energy bills…even if you already have a supplier?

If you have any questions, give us a call at: 1.888.407.3152


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Energy Professionals is committed to finding its customers the best possible rates on electricity and natural gas. Tell us your location and service type and our energy manager will connect you to the most competitive offers.

Switching to an alternate supplier is easy. There is no chance of service disruption, and you'll continue with your current utility for energy delivery and emergency service. Take a few minutes to discover your best offers, and enjoy the benefits of retail energy in your home or business.

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