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More Than Just an Anniversary

Today marks the 1st year anniversary of North American Energy Advisory in our new headquarters. While this is an exciting

Energy Consultant - NAEA

Today marks the 1st year anniversary of North American Energy Advisory in our new headquarters. While this is an exciting milestone, and we are very happy in the new office, there is a tremendous back story that lead us to where we are today.

North American Energy Advisory is a CASA, Inc. company. CASA has been an organization at the forefront of energy deregulation since 1999, and consumer education for nearly two decades. This is important because our firm has been helping consumers since deregulation started to take off.

Now there are many companies out there that tout themselves as energy experts. Most are businesses that are in the business of closing a customer and moving right on to the next prospect. That is what separates our firm from the rest. Each of our customers are important. We care about our customers’ future prosperity. We take the time to educate and then follow up after the contract is done to make sure there are no errors.

A good indicator of what type of organization you are working with can be identified based on their social media pages. Where many of our contemporaries promote how they offer the lowest prices, or surprisingly, how much money they are making from their customers, all you will find on our social media pages are success stories from our clients and educational information to help any energy consumer better understand how to make educated decisions and control their energy budget.

The pride I feel from the knowledge that we are putting our customers in a better place than where we found them has been overwhelming. It is the combination of our mission to serve our customers honestly and our determination to share our hard earned experience that has enabled our ascent to the forefront of our industry.

I am happy to say that I am heading towards my 12th year with this organization. With a staff that averages more than 10 years’ experience with this company, our cohesiveness as a team is what makes us most effective. There are two key figures who have driven this company in that direction, and have had a profound effect on me. My partnership with these two guys, is the reason I am where I am today.

Jim Mathers founded this company 17 years ago with one goal in mind: help other people. His U.S. Naval Academy and U.S. Navy Submarine experience has propelled him to live by the motto of Honor, Duty and Service. These 3 pillars are backbone of our company’s belief system and how this company carries itself operationally.

Mark Hoover started the commercial business division for CASA 12 years ago. His dedication to making all of CASA’s employees become experts at their craft is a main reason that no matter which employee you deal with, you will find a knowledgeable, helpful person to provide you with pertinent data to assist you to find solutions to your energy budget.

These 2 mentors have helped propel me to a leadership position in our organization. The knowledge I have gained, and the success I have had, can be traced back to those 3 pillars I mentioned above, that our leadership team lives and breathes.

On a day where we celebrate our new corporate headquarters’ 1st anniversary, I would also like to celebrate our organization which works daily to protect consumer rights, our company’s belief in education over sales and especially, our team of dedicated professionals who are consumed with the desire to make our customers’ experience the absolute best in the industry.

I celebrate 17 years of always doing the honorable thing for our clients. I celebrate our duty to find the best solutions and options for energy consumers. I celebrate the service we provide to the community as experts in the energy field.

I celebrate North American Energy Advisory. A great company, with great core values, that is dedicated to you, the consumer.

For more information on how our team can help you find solutions to your energy budget, call us at: 1-888-407-3152


Matt Helland
SVP Client Relations
North American Energy Advisory

NAEA - Staff

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